Leave a gift in a will

Why leave a legacy gift to Growth?

At GrowTH, we not only meet the practical needs of the poor, but most importantly we share the greatest gift with the guests, which is the hope of reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ.

Jesus said in Matthew 26:11, “The poor you will always have with you.” We have seen this to be true. The number of guests being referred to GrowTH has continued at a steady rate and with the cost of living crisis and so much uncertainty in the world, this vital work must continue.

Leaving a gift in a will can help to sustain the much-needed work of GrowTH and can ensure that many not only receive shelter, housing, food and friendship, but also the hope of an eternal home.

How to leave a gift in your will?

Leaving a gift to GrowTH is easy with the right support! Instructions simply need to be left in your will. There are three types of gift:

Residuary:  A residuary gift is when you choose to leave the remainder, or a percentage of your estate that is left over once you have made all other payments, including to family and friends.

Pecuniary: This is a fixed sum of money. The value of this will decrease over time, however your solicitor could advise on wording to Index-Link the sum in order to preserve its value.

Specific: This is a particular asset, such as a property, an investment or an object.

Wording to use

Residuary Gift

I give …..(%) of the residue of my estate to This is GrowTH Ltd, 7 Tartan House, Dee Street, London, E14 0PF, charity number 1161226 for its general charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the Director or other proper officer of the said charity for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said gift.

Pecuniary or Specific Gift

I give the sum of £_____ (or the item specified) to This is GrowTH Ltd, 7 Tartan House, Dee Street, London, E14 0PF, charity number 1161226 for its general charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the Director or other proper officer of the said charity for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said gift.

Finding a solicitor

At GrowTH, we recommend seeking professional advice from an independent solicitor when writing your will. Do-it-yourself wills may seem inexpensive, but they’re not always watertight. This can cause complications and unexpected costs for your beneficiaries further down the line.

By appointing a professional adviser, like a solicitor, you can make sure your will is written properly and meets your unique requirements.

To ensure there is no conflict of interest, we do not provide legal advice, nor would we be able to recommend a solicitor. We would also be unable to act as an executor for your will.

Can I specify how my gift is used?

Absolutely. If you want to specify how GrowTH should use a gift, please express this clearly alongside the gift in your will. Where your gift is for a specific purpose, we are bound to use the gift exactly as specified. In the event that we are unable to do so, we would still honour the spirit behind the giving. We would need to apply to Charity Commission to be able to use the funds as closely as possible to the original purpose. To avoid complications, we recommend you express your wishes in the form of a non-binding wish (rather than conditional) and keep it general:

“It is my wish but without creating any legally binding obligation that my gift is used to fund This is GrowTH Ltd’s work and services in…”

GrowTH will always aim to follow your wishes. In the event that we are unable to do so, we will use the gift as closely as possible to your original intention. This way, your gift can be put into immediate use to help the homeless.

However, if you are comfortable to do so, then gifts given with no specific intention will be used by the charity in areas that the management identify the most need.

What if you outlive the charity?

We hope that we can carry on the work we do indefinitely but sometimes charities have a finite life. Do ask your solicitor to consider this contingency when drafting your will to direct your gift accordingly.